The original Devon Ash Dieback Action Plan was put together in 2016 by the DevonĀ Hedge Group and the Devon Local Nature Partnership, funded by Devon County Council. It was one of the first of its kind in the country. Its purpose was to help guide and stimulate actions to address ash dieback across Devon, covering both the tree safety and environmental aspects. The implementation of this Action Plan was coordinated through the Devon Ash Dieback Resilience Forum, following its establishment in July 2016.
The Forum subsequently refreshed and updated this Action Plan in 2021, with this including a simple summary of its achievements and progress up until the end of 2020. The Action Plan is available via this Devon Ash Dieback Action Plan Refresh 2021 webpage or Devon Ash Dieback Action Plan Refresh 2021 PDF.
Our actions also take account of:
- The Tree Council’s Ash Dieback Action Plan Toolkit
- Actions promoted by the Forestry Commission
- The Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ Chalara Management Plan 2013