The Saving Devon’s Treescapes is now over halfway through its five-year funded project and has already had a huge impact across the county. To date the project has planted over 80,000 trees outside of woodlands. This has been through community … Continue reading
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First trees planted in Saving Devon’s Treescapes project
The launch of the ambitious “Saving Devon’s Treescapes” project has been marked by the planting of its first trees. Backed by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Devon County Council and others, the initiative forms part of Devon’s efforts to address … Continue reading
Project leader recruited for Saving Devon’s Treescapes
After successfully securing funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund in December, Saving Devon’s Treescapes was able to start recruitment for a project leader in early 2020. In March, Rosie Cotgreave started the role and has been pushing the project … Continue reading
Green light for Saving Devon’s Treescapes Project
The work of the Devon Ash Dieback Resilience Forum was given a huge boost in December with the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) announcing its support for the initial phase of the ‘Saving Devon’s Treescapes’ project. The project will focus … Continue reading
Fingers crossed for ‘Saving Devon’s Treescapes’ bid
A bid to fund a £2.4 million tree planting project, being led by Devon Wildlife Trust on behalf of the Devon Ash Dieback Resilience Forum, has been submitted to the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The project aims to encourage communities … Continue reading
Full steam ahead for ‘Saving Devon’s Treescapes’ bid
National Lottery Heritage Fund has invited us to submit an application for this project. Pete Burgess of the Devon Wildlife Trust, who is leading on preparing the bid on behalf of the Devon Ash Dieback Resilience Forum says: “This is … Continue reading
Tree planting scheme to replace trees lost through ash dieback